Harvey Agricultural College
Harvey, WA
Department of Finance
Dept. of Agriculture Education
May 2012
Master Builders Association:
Best Project in The Southwest (2013)
Completed in collaboration with Kent Lyon Architect
This project has been described as ‘the best agricultural college in Australia’ according to Mr. Geoff Moyle, then director of Agricultural Education.
Western Australian College of Agriculture (WACOA) relocated to a new campus at Wokalup due to outdated facilities at Harvey. Buildings include dormitories, administration, library, gym, dining hall and a commercial kitchen, staff houses, several classrooms and Trade Training Centre workshops, including major service upgrades and civil works including multipurpose courts. This involved significant infrastructure upgrades and risk management. The new Campus state-of-the-art facilities has transformed the character and functionality of the school.
DWA Architects added functionality and campus satisfaction by delivering a contemporary, sustainable brand new integrated campus within budget, using low-maintenance materials and energy efficient fixtures. An innovative ozone laundry system and an advanced teaching butchery allied to the local abattoir was incorporated. Sustainable initiatives include the extension of the main water line from Wokalup, use of a Biomax system feeding adjacent orchards, and solar arrays as well as water wise and energy efficient fittings, sound reduction glazing for the train line noise, and low VOC finishes throughout.
Perkins Builders